A new Canine Parvovirus in Australia. But don't panic!
Researchers in Adelaide have recently reported the detection of a new type of canine parvovirus. Although this virus is new to Australia, it has been present in many overseas countries since 2000, and is very closely related to the parvoviruses that have been present in Australia for the last 40 years.
Experience from other countries that have this particular virus, as well as specific scientific studies, have shown that the current vaccines we use are effective in providing protection against this new type. Similarly, although concerns have been raised about the effectiveness of the tests use to detect infection, studies have shown these too are effective for the new type.
So what do you need to do? If your dog is up-to-date with its vaccinations- nothing! Take your dog for a walk and enjoy Autumn!
However if your dog is unvaccinated, now Is the time to schedule an appointment, as canine parvovirus, the old types and new, can cause serious, and in many cases, fatal disease.