Port Adelaide Enfield Desexing and Microchipping Vouchers
The council offers desexing vouchers to the value of $80 and Microchipping Vouchers to the value of $20 for redemption at our Veterinary Clinic.
Just download and submit this form: Desexing/microchipping vouchers
Why is desexing so important? →
How do I become eligible?
Its easy! Residents must have a dog currently registered with the City of Port Adelaide Enfield Council: Register your dog
What other benefits do I get?
The council recognises the importance of responsible dog ownership in the community and because of this is offering a 50% reduction in your desexed dogs' annual registration costs and a further 10% for microchipped dogs. All you have to do is provide proof and desexing and microchipping to receive these rebates on your next dog registration!
Read more about these incentives on the Port Adelaide Enfield website